HN DAE-Untreated
ExxonMobil specialties , Thailand
Product Description
HN DAE-Untreated is a Heavy Neutral Distillate Aromatic Extract. It is a dark material, very viscous and close to solid at ambient temperature. It is derived from petroleum via a carefully controlled refining process. HN DAE-Untreated is mainly comprised of aromatic hydrocarbons, including multi-ring aromatic molecules.
Detailed health and safety information for this product is provided in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), available upon request through your local sales representative or from
ExxonMobil specialty products are produced and controlled according to the ExxonMobil Product Quality Management System, EN ISO 9000 or equivalent standard.
HN DAE-Untreated can be used in the following application subject to applicable laws and regulations in each jurisdiction*
• Feed for TDAE manufacture
The users of HN DAE-Untreated are expected to treat this material in their manufacturing units is order to transform it to a non-carcinogenic Treated Distillate Aromatic Extract (TDAE), that should meet the IP346 specification of 3% maximum as per the EU Regulation 1272/2008.
* User must check compliance with applicable regulations
Health and safety
Health and Safety recommendations for this product can be found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) @
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