2019 Customer terminal days
Over the past few months, the ExxonMobil team was delighted to host our customers at our Billings, Everett, Hammond, Irving, Port Everglades and Baton Rouge terminals. The 2018 customer terminal day events featured a presentation from the terminal manager, a Q&A session with ExxonMobil senior managers, lunch and a terminal tour. The feedback we received from those who attended was very positive and as a result we are planning to hold five more terminal days in 2019. The five terminals in scope for 2019 are South Houston, San Antonio, Nashville, Des Plaines and Bozeman. The five events will all start at 9:30 a.m. (local time), and similar to the 2018 events there will be an opportunity to engage with ExxonMobil management, learn what’s new at the terminal and participate in a terminal tour.
We will be issuing invitations to the events in January 2019, but in case you would like to beat the rush and save the date in your calendar now, please feel free to register by clicking the link below.
The events are open to any of ExxonMobil’s Commercial fuel and Retail BW customers. Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be provided for all customers who join the event.