“ACE” your time at the terminal
To help accelerate your journey through our terminal sites, ExxonMobil’s Supply Management System (SMS) and Advanced Customer Experience (ACE) provide you with easily accessible, real-time data. This integrated suite of solutions assists in offering a greater level of convenience, adaptability to your business needs and more effective transport.
What can ACE SMS do for you?
- Calculate demand forecast
- Manage supply and allocation alerts
- View available volume
- Request additional volume and obtain confirmation online
ACE is available to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week with any allocation and forecasting needs. Customers can access it via PC, Mac, smartphone or tablet simply with internet access and a compatible browsing system. For best practices, we recommend using Google Chrome.
Here are a few highlights of the SMS features in ACE:
- Allocations: View real-time terminal status and product availability, current or upcoming outages and request additional product directly from the Allocation module.
- Forecast: View your current and upcoming forecast, request changes to your future forecast during the review period, and view your forecast and lifting history.
- Alerts: Never miss a notification with the Alerts module. You can set up alerts for supply events, allocation levels and forecast notifications yourself by using the Manage Alerts menu. This will ensure you are always informed of outages, allocation changes and forecast reviews — allowing you to plan and manage your business more effectively.
Want to learn more?
Watch this video for a quick demonstration on how we are making it easier to do business with us.
For further information on either of these systems or to acquire access, please contact SMS support, 24 hours a day at 1-855-Load Gas (1-855-562-3427) or contact your sales representative.