Next-generation onboard scrape down oil analysis service

Mobil℠ Cylinder Condition Monitoring

Peace of mind for reliable engine operation

Mobil℠ Cylinder Condition Monitoring is our next-generation onboard scrape down oil analysis service. It provides detailed engine data that can identify issues such as under- and over-lubrication, component wear and the presence of cat fines. This can help you optimise cylinder oil feed rates and react quickly to problems as they arise, providing confidence that your engine is operating safely and reliably, and can also result in significant cost savings.

Since its launch in 2018, the game-changing Mobil℠ Cylinder Condition Monitoring service has been upgraded with new features and enhancements. It now offers:

  • State-of-the-art scan-and-go technology

    The service uses XRF technology for easy registration of samples and a cloud-based platform to deliver real-time reports on engine condition, complete with actionable insights, to help you minimise operating costs and improve operational efficiency.

  • Quick and easy process

    With safe, fast, simple and accurate onboard sampling, minimal preparation and no wet chemistry, you can reduce the risk of human error and the handling of hazardous materials.

  • Expanded capability

    The service now offers testing for both chromium and vanadium. Their presence can be an indicator of engine component wear. In addition, the service can now detect system oil dilution of your cylinder oil, which can have a detrimental impact on engine performance and lifespan.

  • Instant results and continued savings

    We benchmark vessel performance by engine type and operating conditions thanks to our extensive database of more than 500,000 data samples. Within minutes of data submission, we deliver comprehensive reports and recommendations to help you plot your realised and potential savings.

    To date, Mobil℠ Cylinder Condition Monitoring has helped our customers save over US $2.5 million in cylinder oil costs*.

  • Stress-free compliance

    The service measures the sulphur content of marine fuel, which can help offer peace of mind and ensure compliance with IMO 2020 – the International Maritime Organization’s 0.50% sulphur cap on low sulphur fuel oil.

  • Reduced waste

    Decreasing cylinder oil consumption can potentially reduce sludge disposal.

*Total reported cylinder oil cost savings of surveyed customers from 2012 to date (including under MobilGard™ Cylinder Condition Monitoring – the previous name for Mobil℠ Cylinder Condition Monitoring). Actual savings realised may vary based on a number of factors, including equipment used, its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used.

Watch the video for an in-depth look

Discover how our advanced scrape down oil analysis technology provides enhanced lubricant insights and precise feed rate recommendations to help optimise engine lubrication.

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